Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Professor
Administrative Position:广东省滨海土木工程重点实验室主任
Academic Honor:
2012 Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel Peacock Plan Level B
2013 Shenzhen University "Liyuan Outstanding Yung Scholar"
2016 National Outstanding Youth Science Fund Winners
2018 Shenzhen High-Caliber Personnel Local Leading Talents
2023 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
Journal Paper
- [1]Munir M J.Kazmi S M S.Wu Y F*.Patnaikuni I.Zhou Y W.Xing F.Axial stress-strain behavior of macro-synthetic fiber reinforced recycled aggregate concrete,Cement and Concrete Composites,2019-01-01.
- [2]Huang X X.Sui L L.Xing F.Zhou Y W*.Wu Y F.Reliability assessment for flexural FRP-Strengthened reinforced concrete beams based on Importance Sampling,COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019-01-01.
- [3]Li P D.Wu Y F*.Zhou Y W.Xing F.Stress-strain model for FRP-confined concrete subject to arbitrary load path,Composites Part B,2018-11-01.
- [4]Chen C.Li X.Zhao D B.Huang Z Y.Sui L L.Xing F.Zhou Y W*.Mechanism of surface preparation on FRP-Concrete bond performance: A quantitative study,Composites Part B,2018-11-01.
- [5]Chen C.Wang X W.Sui L L.Chen X L.Zhou Y W*.Influence of FRP thickness and confining effect on flexural performance of HB-strengthened RC beams,Composites Part B,2018-10-01.
- [6]Huang Z Y.Wang F.Zhou Y W.Sui L L*.Krishnan P.Richard Liew J Y.A Novel, Multifunctional, Floatable, Lightweight Cement Composite: Development and Properties,Materials,2018-10-01.
- [7]Chen C.Li X.Wang X W.Sui L L.Xing F.Li D W.Zhou Y W*.Effect of transverse groove on bond behavior of FRP-concrete interface: Experimental study, image analysis and design,Composites Part B,2018-10-01.
- [8]Li P D.Sui L L.Xing F.Huang X X.Zhou Y W*.Yun Y C.Effects of Aggregate Types on the Stress-Strain Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)-Confined Lightweight Concrete,SENSORS,2018-10-01.
- [9]Chen C.Chen L J.Sui L L.Xing F.Li D W.Zhou Y W*.Design method of end anchored FRP strengthened concrete structures,Engineering Structures,2018-09-01.
- [10]Zhou Y W.Wang X W.Sui L L.Xing F.Huang Z Y.Chen C.Li P D.Mei L*.Effect of mechanical fastening pressure on the bond behaviors of hybridbonded FRP to concrete interface,Composite Structures,2018-08-01.