[1] 深圳市科研启动项目,(827000623),低碳建筑材料设计及性能调控,在研.主持
[2] 广东省自然科学基金,(2022A1515010594),矿物掺合料对水泥基材料碳捕获的影响机制研究,在研.主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金,(52178235),碳化养护水泥基材料的多尺度力学行为及溶蚀劣化机理,在研.主持
[4] 深圳大学,(000002110839),水泥基复合胶凝材料碳化养护的应用研究,在研.主持
[5] 国家自然科学基金,(51908370),水化-碳化耦合反应条件下水化硅酸钙凝胶体系的形成机制研究,在研.主持
[1] Zhan Baojian.Xuan Dongxign.Poon Chi Sun*.Karen L. Scrivener.Multi-scale investigation on mechanical behavior and microstructural alteration of C-S-H in carbonated Alite paste,Cement and Concrete Research,2021-03-01.
[2] Zhan Baojian.Karen L.Scrivener.Poon Chisun*.Xuan Dongxing.Characterization of interfacial transition zone in concrete prepared with carbonated modeled recycled concrete aggregates,Cement and Concrete Research,2020-07-01.
[3] Fang Xiaoliang.Zhan Baojian*.Poon Chisun*.Enhancing the accelerated carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates by using reclaimed wastewater from concrete batching plants,Construction and Building Materials,2020-04-01.
[4] Zhan Baojian.Li Jiangshan.Xuan Dongxing.Poon Chisun*.Recycling hazardous textile effluent sludge in cement-based construction materials: Physicochemical interactions between sludge and cement,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020-01-01.
[5] Zhan Baojian.Xuan Dongxing.Zeng Weilai.Poon Chisun*.Carbonation treatment of recycled concrete aggregate: Effect on transport properties and steel corrosion of recycled aggregate concrete,Cement and Concrete Composites,2019-11-01.
[6] Zhan Baojian.Xuan Dongxing.Poon Chisun*.The Effect of Nano-alumina on Early Hydration and Mechanical Properties of Cement Pastes,Construction and Building Materials,2019-03-01.
[7] Zhan Baojian.Xuan Dongxing.Poon Chisun*.Shi Caijun.Mechanism for rapid hardening of cement pastes under coupled CO2-water curing regime,Cement and Concrete Composites,2019-03-01.
[8] Zhan Baojian.Shi Caijun.Kou Shicong.Poon Chisun*.Xuan Dongxing.Characterization of C-S-H formed in coupled CO2-water cured Portland cement pastes,Materials and Structures,2018-07-01.
[9] Zhan Baojian.Poon Chisun*.Xuan Dongxing.Enhancement of Recycled Aggregate Properties by Accelerated CO2 Curing Coupled with Limewater Soaking Process,Cement and Concrete Composites,2018-05-01.
[10] Lu Jianxin.Zhan Baojian.Duan Zhenhua.Poon Chisun*.Using glass powder to improve the durability of architectural mortar prepared with glass aggregates,Materials & Design,2017-12-01.