
Personal information

Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Professor
Administrative Position:土木与交通工程学院院长、未来地下城市研究院院长;滨海城市韧性基础设施教育部重点实验室主任
Academic Honor:
1999    Government Special Allowance of the State Council supported Experts
2012    Shenzhen High-Caliber Personnel National Leading Talents
2017    Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
2022    RAE Foreign Full Member


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英文主页 - 个人简介

He has, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, been offered the position of Distinguished Professor by the board of Shenzhen University. And his interests are in tunneling and underground engineering, urban rail transit engineering, intelligent geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering under extreme conditions, artificial frozen soil mechanics and artificially ground freezing technology, shaft construction engineering, ground move controlling.