Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Professor
Administrative Position:土木与交通工程学院院长、未来地下城市研究院院长;滨海城市韧性基础设施教育部重点实验室主任
Academic Honor:
1999 Government Special Allowance of the State Council supported Experts
2012 Shenzhen High-Caliber Personnel National Leading Talents
2017 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
2022 RAE Foreign Full Member
Journal Paper
- [1]Bao Xiaohua.Li Lijuan.Liao Zhiguang.Cui Hongzhi.Tang Waiching.Chen Xiangsheng.Study of silty sand slope protection from seepage flows using short fiber-sand mixtures,Geosynthetics International,2021-06-01.
- [2]Zhang Ruixiao.Su Dong.Lei Guoping.Chen Xiangsheng.Three-dimensional granular column collapse: Impact of column thickness,Powder Technology,2021-06-01.
- [3]陈洲泉.陈湘生.庞小朝.砂土临界状态模型的隐式积分算法在有限元分析中实现,岩土力学,.
- [4]Bao Xiaohua.Huang Yujun.Jin Zhiyang.Xiao Xiong.Tang Waiching.Cui Hongzhi.Chen Xiangsheng.Experimental investigation on mechanical properties of clay soil reinforced with carbon fiber,Construction and Building Materials,2021-03-01.
- [5]Lai Yani.Tang Bosin.Chen Xiangsheng.Zheng Xian.Spatial determinants of land redevelopment in the urban renewal processes in Shenzhen, China,Land Use Policy,2021-03-01.
- [6]Yang Haibin.Monasterio Manuel.Zheng Dapeng.Cui Hongzhi.Tang Waiching.Bao Xiaohua.Chen Xiangsheng.Effects of nano silica on the properties of cement-based materials: A comprehensive review,Construction and Building Materials,2021-03-01.
- [7]Xu Yajie.Chen Xiangsheng.Quantitative analysis of spatial vitality and spatial characteristics of urban underground space (UUS) in metro area,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2021-03-01.
- [8]胡明伟.李微微.陈湘生.基于系统动力学的地铁客流防疫调控仿真分析,深圳大学学报(理工版),.
- [9]陈湘生.徐志豪.包小华.王雪涛.付艳斌.中国隧道建设面临的若干挑战与技术突破,中国公路学报,.
- [10]陈湘生.徐志豪.包小华.崔宏志.隧道病害监测检测技术研究现状概述,隧道与地下工程灾害防治,.