Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree Professional Title:Professor Administrative Position:Head of Simulation Center of Key Lab
Publishing Textbooks or Monographs
- [1]《2018.01 土木工程测量,上海交通大学出版社,李伟文,刘军,… 王险峰(9)》
- [2]《Wang X., Hasebe, N., Interaction between a rigid inclusion and a line crack under uniform heat flux, Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Publisher Springer, US, 04.2014, 2530-2539.》
- [3]《Wang X, Cavity in an Elastic Plane, Encyclopedia of Tribology, Editors Q. Jane Wang, Yip-Wah Chung, Publisher Springer US, 2013, 337-344.》
- [4]《2011.08,混凝土结构耐久性设计与应用,中国建筑工业出版社,邢锋,王卫仑,王险峰,隋莉莉,丁铸,李大望,董必钦,罗启灵,丁小波,陆晗》