Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree Professional Title:Professor
Conference Papers
- [1]Corrosion Performance of Embedded Steel Bar in Cl- contaminated Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) at initial stage of hydration,,.
- [2]Experimental study on the performance of FRP grid reinforced ECC composite layer-concrete interface,,.
- [3]Applicability analysis of STM and SMCFT of RC beams with shear span-depth ratios ≤ 3.0,,.
- [4]3D-DIC Technique for Strain Measurement in FRP Strip Externally Bonded to Concrete Specimens,,.
- [5]Application of DIC Technology to Shear Crack Measurement od Concrete Beam,,.
- [6]Assessing the Dispersion Quality of Carbon Nanotube Suspensions by Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,,.
- [7]Mechanical and Pressure-Sensitive Properties of Cement Mortar Containing Nano-Fe2O3,,.
- [8]Artificial Neural Network Model for FRP Shear Contribution of RC Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded FRP Composites,,.
- [9]Chloride Penetration Resistance of Cement Mortar Containing Different Contents of CNTs,,.
- [10]Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar Containing Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) under Sulfate Attack and Dry-wet Cycling Environment,,.