Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree Professional Title:Professor
Vertical Project
- [1]CityU Innovation to Realization Funding,Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures with Nano-treated Steel Sheet,项目主持人,结题;,
- [2]Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund,Characterization of interfacial properties for SMAT steel plating system,项目主持人,结题;,
- [3]国家自然科学基金面上项目,纳米高强片材加固混凝土梁的界面力学特性研究,项目主持人,结题;,
- [4]Hong KongConstruction Industry Council (CIC) Research Fund,Labor and Cost Efficient Construction Method for Retrofitting RC Columns with FRP,项目主持人,结题;,
- [5]City University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Grant,Modeling of plastic hinge rotations in RC flexural members,项目主持人,结题;,
- [6]RMIT Enabling Capability Platforms (ECP) Activity Support,Realization of the Innovative Compression Yielding Technology for Durable and Economical Bridge Construction,项目主持人,结题;,
- [7]混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育部重点实验室开放课题基金,基于压缩屈服理论的CY梁受力性能及设计方法研究,项目主持人,结题;,
- [8]深圳市科技创新委员会,资源可持续型绿色混凝土组合结构研发及其性能研究,澳洲方项目主持人,结题;,
- [9]齐鲁交通发展集团有限公司,碳纤维板加固梁抑制剥离技术及加固效果评价,项目主持人,在研;,
- [10]Victoria-Jiangsu Program for Technology and Innovation R&D,Strengthening Highway Concrete Bridge Beams with HBFRP (hybrid bonded-fibre reinforced polymer),项目主持人,在研;,