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Highest Degree:Doctoral degree Professional Title:Professor
Journal Paper
- [1]Li P, Sui L, Xing F, Li M, Zhou* Y, WU YF. Stress-strain relation of FRP-confined predamaged concrete prisms with square sections of different corner radii subjected to monotonic axial compression. Journal of Composites for Construction 2019; 23(2): 04019001. (SCI, 中科院3区, IF=2.606),,.
- [2]杨建近.翟婉明.朱胜阳*.浮置板剪力铰对列车-轨道耦合系统动力学行为的影响,振动与冲击,2019-06-01.(独立一作,中文EI)
- [3]Yang Jianjin.Zhai Wanming.Zhu Shengyang*.et al.Prediction and mitigation of train-induced vibrations of large-scale building constructed on subway tunnel,Science of The Total Environment,2019-06-01.(独立一作,中科院一区TOP期刊)
- [4]杨建近.杨新文*.钢轨吸振器对高架结构垂向振动的影响,噪声与振动控制,2014-04-01.(独立一作,中文核心)