Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree Professional Title:Professor Administrative Position:Professor
Journal Paper
- [1]Cyclic degradation of a multidirectionally laterally loaded rigid single pile model in compacted clay,Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE,2014-01-01.
- [2]负摩阻力作用下断桩对上部结构的影响,地下空间与工程学报,2014-01-01.
- [3]A multidirectional p–y model for lateral sand–pile interactions,Soils and Foundations,2013-01-01.
- [4]Three-dimensional finite element study of a single pile response to multidirectional lateral loadings incorporating the simplified state-dependent dilatancy model,Computers and Geotechnics,2013-01-01.
- [5]Effect of shaking strength on the seismic response of liquefiable level ground,Engineering Geology,2013-01-01.
- [6]弹塑性p-y模型及非线性地基梁的增量有限元法,岩土工程学报,2012-01-01.
- [7]Resistance of Short, Stiff Piles to Multidirectional Lateral Loadings,Geotechnical Testing Journal,2012-01-01.
- [8]水平单向及多向载荷下单桩响应的数值研究,深圳大学学报理工版,2011-01-01.
- [9]水平(椭)圆形加载路径下的单桩模型试验研究,岩土工程学报,2011-01-01.
- [10]沿非对称方向水平荷载下群桩响应的数值初探,.岩土力学与工程研究新进展--第七届全国青年岩土力学与工程会议论文集,2011-01-01.