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学术荣誉: 深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀计划C类


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发布时间:2020-07-31  点击次数:






Dr. Liu Mei is Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Civil Engineering Department at Shenzhen University, and Deputy Director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering. He received a Bachelor's degree in 2006 from Tsinghua University, China and a Master's degree in 2009 from Tongji University, China, both in Civil Engineering. He then obtained a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Keio University, Japan in 2015.


Dr. Mei’s research covers a board range of topics in structural engineering with a focus on structural damage detection, structural health monitoring, FE model updating, evaluation of reinforced concrete structure durability and countermeasures for concrete thermal cracking. He has published more than 20 scientific papers in peer-reviewed mainstream civil and structural engineering journals, such as Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Composite Structures, Engineering Structures, Construction and Building Materials, Smart Structures and Systems, Sensors, etc. He is currently the Principal Investigator of one research project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and two research projects funded by the Shenzhen Science, Technology and Innovation Commission (SZSTI). He has been invited by more than 10 international scientific journals to review manuscripts.


Dr. Mei’s research group is recruiting Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate with an interest in the following research fields: structural damage detection, FE model updating, evaluation of reinforced concrete structure durability, and machine learning techniques for structural health monitoring, and the annual salary could reach up to 400 thousand RMB (about 60 thousand USD). Anyone who holds a Ph.D. degree and is interested in the related research topics is highly encouraged to contact with Dr. Mei for more details.