- [31] jun liu*.Research on the Durability and Sustainability of an Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Made from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash (MSWIBA),Construction and Building Materials,2022-12-01.
- [32] jun liu*.An experimental study on the influence of continuous ambient humidity conditions on relative humidity changes, chloride diffusion and microstructure in concrete,Journal of Building Engineering,2022-11-01.
- [33] jun liu*.Iodide and chloride ions diffusivity, pore characterization and microstructures of concrete incorporating ground granulated blast furnace slag,Journal of Materials Research and Technology -JMR&T,2022-02-01.
- [34] jun liu.Research on the Durability and Sustainability of an Artificial Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Made from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash (MSWIBA),Construction and Building Materials,2022-10-01.
- [35] jun liu*.Effects of different supplementary cementitious materials on the performance and environment of eco-friendly mortar prepared from waste incineration bottom ash,Construction and Building Materials,2022-10-01.
- [36] jun liu.Evaluation of the Pore Size Distribution, Fractal Characteristics and Microstuctures of Concrete with Fly Ash, Limestone-calcined clay Seawater and Sea Sand,Arabian Journal for Science and Engineerin,.
- [37] jun liu.Resource utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash -cement and alkali-activated cementitious materials: A review,Science of the Total Environment,2022-09-01.
- [38] jun liu.Application potential analysis of biochar as a carbon capture material in cementitious composites: A review,Construction and Building Materials,2022-09-01.
- [39] jun liu*.Investigation on mechanical properties improvement of seawater engineered cementitious composites (ECC) using FA/LC2,Construction and Building Materials,2022-09-01.
- [40] jun liu.Mechanics, hydration phase and pore development of embodied energy and carbon composites based on ultrahigh-volume low-carbon cement with limestone calcined clay,Case Studies in Construction Materials,.