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Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Administrative Position:岩土及地下工程实验室主任;智慧基础设施中心副主任;深圳市地铁地下车站绿色高效智能建造重点实验室副主任
Academic Honor:
2019    Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel Peacock Plan Level C

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Chengyu Hong, PhD, Asscoiate Professor, Associate Researcher, Director of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering Laboratory, Deputy Director of Intelligent Infrastructure Research Center, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Green, Efficient and Intelligent Construction of Underground Metro Station. He received master's degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, a doctorate degr...

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Educational Experience

2001.9 ~ 2005.7
 Shijiazhuang Railway University  -  Department of Civil Engineering  -  Bachelor's degree  -  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
2005.9 ~ 2008.1
 Harbin Institute of Technology  -  Geotechnical Engineering  -  Master's degree  -  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
2008.4 ~ 2012.10
 Hong Kong Polytechnic University  -  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  -  Doctoral degree  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 

Work Experience

2019.3 ~ Now
Shenzhen University  - College of Civil and Transportation Engineering  - Associate Professor
2015.6 ~ 2019.3
Shanghai University  - Department of Civil Engineering  - Associate Professor
2012.6 ~ 2015.6
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong  - College of Science and Technology  - Lecturer
2011.9 ~ 2012.6
Hong Kong Polytechnic University  - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  - Research Associate

Social Affiliations

Committee Member of The 8th China (Shanghai) Conference on Infastructure development of Underground Space 2021
Member of the Organizing Committee of the 6th National Symposium on Geosynthetics and Reinforced Soil
Member of International Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring (ISHMII) Association
Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
Member of International Conference on Geosynthetics
Member of Hong Kong Geotechnical Engineering Association
Member of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Guest Editor of Functional Nanomaterials for Energy Applications (SCI)
Member of the Technical Committee of the World Transport Conference (Faculty of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Systems)
Chairman of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Infrastructure Structure Health Monitoring
Guest Editor of Environmental Geotechnics (SCI) Magazine
Member of TC220 Branch of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Research Focus

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