
Personal information

Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Researcher
Administrative Position:Assistant Professor
Academic Honor:
2020    Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel Peacock Plan Level C
2023    Shenzhen University "Liyuan Outstanding Yung Scholar"


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英文主页 - 个人简介

Fei Jianbo (Jianbo Fei) is a distinguished researcher/assistant professor,and PhD supervisor at Shenzhen University.  

He is an expert of railway science and technology for Chinese National Railway Administration, the member of UIC IRS Working Group (International Union of Railways Standardization Working Group), the member of Landslide and Slope Engineering Branch in China Rock Mechanics and Engineering Association, and the deputy Secretary-General of the Youth Work Committee of the Society of Rock and Soil Mechanics and Engineering of Guangdong. Research interests include numerical simulation of geotechnical engineering (slope/tunnel), granular mechanics and high-speed railway engineering. Mainly starting from the origin of physics, using the method of granular physics to investigate geotechnical engineering problems. 

Two international post-docs are currently working with Fei, and more post-docs as well as PhD candidate in the field of geotechnical engineering and granular mechanics are welcomed to join (for details, please see the Enrollment Information)! Please contact via email.

Welcome to visit the website of our group   https://en.geogranular.com/