

Personal information

Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Researcher
Administrative Position:Assistant Professor
Academic Honor:
2020    Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel Peacock Plan Level C
2023    Shenzhen University "Liyuan Outstanding Yung Scholar"


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Enrollment Information

Postdoc Position Available in Granular Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, et al.
Date:2023-03-02  Hits:

Assistant Professor Fei Jianbo is looking for postdoc researchers, the specific requirements and relevant information are as follows:

1. Research fields (not limited to the following)

(1) Granular Mechanics

(2) Geotechnical Engineering

(3) Fluid Mechanics

(4) Tunnelling

(5) Slope engineering

2. Requirements

(1) A PhD degree from accredited university or scientific research institution;

(2) Able to carry out scientific research independently, have good potential for academic development.

3. Contract Term

2 years.

4. Duty

1. Carry out research in the aforementioned research field, and publish at least 2 SCI articles per year.

2. Complete the scientific research and project management tasks assigned by the research group.

5. Benefits

(1) Salary is paid by the Human Resources Department of Shenzhen University on a monthly basis. The specific salary is determined according to the education background and research experience (annual income is about 330,000 Yuan in total).

(2) Housing policy: You can apply for public rental housing with preferential rent. Those who meet the conditions can enjoy the policies related to talents in Shenzhen, which are subject to the final announcement of the government.

(3) Education for kids: The Education Group Affiliated to Shenzhen University has 4 middle schools, 4 primary schools and 3 kindergartens, guaranteeing the education of the children of faculty members.

(4) Medical care: There are two general hospitals under Shenzhen University: Shenzhen University General Hospital and the affiliated South China Hospital to provide high-quality medical services for faculty and staff.

(5) Others: the school provides special funds for sports, free use of sports facilities in the school; annual health checkup; meal allowance.

6. Applicants please provide the following materials

(1) Personal resumes in English;

(2) Representative research papers;

(3) Copy of degree certificate.

7. Application procedure

(1) Send the above materials to the email;

(2) Interviews will be arranged;

(3) After the interview, the school will notify whether to agree to hire after approval. The recruiter will keep the application materials submitted by the applicants confidential.

8. Contact

Contact: Assistant Professor Jianbo Fei

Email address: feijianbo@szu.edu.cn

Address: Zhili Building,L1.1006B, Shenzhen University, No. 3688 Nanhai Avenue, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province