Personal information
Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Associate professor
Administrative Position:Associate Professor
Academic Honor:
2017 Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel Peacock Plan Level C
2020 Shenzhen University "Liyuan Outstanding Yung Scholar"
Contact Us
Dr Zhenyu HUANG is currently a Associate Professor in college of civil and transportation engineering, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, China. He received his PhD from National University of Singapore in 2015, working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the SembCorp-NUS corporate Lab, Faculty of Engineering for 2 years before ...
Educational Experience
- 2011.8 ~ 2015.12
-  National University of Singapore  -  Structural Engineering  -  Doctoral degree  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
Work Experience
- 2021.1 ~ Now
- Shenzhen University - College of civil engineering - Associate Professor
- 2017.7 ~ 2021.1
- Shenzhen University - College of civil and transportation engineering - 助理教授
- 2016.10 ~ 2017.7
- 新加坡国立大学 - 胜科工业-国立大学联合实验室 - 博士后研究员
- 2015.7 ~ 2016.10
- 新加坡国立大学 - 土木与环境工程学院 - 助理研究员/博士后研究员
Social Affiliations
- 2019.7 ~ 2022.6
- 中国钢结构协会第八届理事会理事
- 2017.9 ~ 2021.8
- 中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会第九届理事会理事
- 2020.1 ~ Now
- Fib-international国际混凝土协会会员
- 2011.10 ~ Now
- ACI (Singapore Chapter) member 美国混凝土协会(新加坡分会)会员
- 2018.9 ~ Now
- 深圳大学土木与交通工程学院校友会副会长