
Personal information

Highest Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:Professor
Administrative Position:Director: Structural Lab., Head: Simulation Center

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Professor Dr. Wang, Xianfeng is a distinguished Professor and Doctoral Advisor with exceptional accomplishments in the field of civil engineering materials and structural engineering. He is currently the Director of the Structural Laboratory and Head of the Simulation Center of the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering. He is also a member of the State K...

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Educational Experience

 Tianjin University   BS & MS 
 Tsinghua University   Doctoral degree 
 Nagoya Institute of Technology   Doctoral degree 

Work Experience

Shenzhen University  - College of Civil and Transportation Engineering
Nagoya Institute of Technology  - Department of Civil Engineering
Tsinghua University  - Department of Engineering Mechanics

Social Affiliations

Member of Asian Concrete Federation, Division of Self-healing Concrete
Director of Guangdong Mechanics Society
Polymers(JCR-Q1)Section Editor
Member of Architectural Society of China, Academic Committee on New Material Structures
Member of RILEM, TC SHE
Member of JSCE
Member of IALCCE
Expert for Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee

Research Focus

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